Spectra Newsletter

College of Engineering and Computer Science

IAB Highlight Executive perspective benefits college

prof-BuhnJackDSC8745.jpgWhen S. T. Mau, then dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, asked Jack Buhn to join the Industry Advisory Board in 2002, Buhn’s first reaction was, “Maybe you want my VP of engineering instead.” Although Buhn, a cofounder of the firm Canoga Perkins, had a technical background, he worked in marketing, not engineering. [Read more…]

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Jeff Rodman chose the path to success - an interview with Polycom cofunder

prof-JRAliciaE012300dpiQ10.jpgWhen Jeff Rodman entered CSUN in 1970, he was torn between two majors. His mother was a secretary and church organist, his father an engineer at Hughes Aircraft, and while he had developed passions for music, engineering and photography, he had to choose a direction. [Read more…]

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New Faculty Bring Unique

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This year, reflecting its status as one of the fastest-growing engineering and computer science programs in the country, CECS welcomed eight new assitant professors to its faculty. Hailing from all over the world and representing every department, they come from different backgrounds and have diverse areas of expertise, but they share a passion for teaching, a appreciation of diversity, dedication to students, commitment to collaboration and great enthusiasm for CSUN and the College of Engineering and Computer Science. (What is more, over half are women!)[Read more…]

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College extends outreach farther overseas

20140804-174832.jpgFor some time, the College of Engineering and Computer Science has been expanding its horizons to encompass more and more international activities and partnerships. In 2012, for instance, Dean S. K. Ramesh and C. T. Lin, professor of mechanical engineering, traveled to Austria for the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. In 2013, Ramesh and Lin organized a conference on assistive technology in India, and a delegation from Korea Nazarene University visited the college.[Read more…]

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