Spectral Lines: Ramesh elected to ABET board of directors


iab20111021-26-Ramesh2.jpgCECS’s dean, S. K. Ramesh, now has another title (and responsibility): member of the board of directors of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, better known as ABET. ABET is the organization that accredits over 3,100 postsecondary education programs in applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology at more than 670 colleges and universities in 24 countries. Its membership is made up of 33 different professional societies that serve the fields it oversees; each society is allocated board representation based on the number of accredited programs in its field. The largest is the IEEE, and when one of IEEE’s existing representatives was appointed secretary of the board, he could no longer represent the IEEE as a board member, so a special election was called. Ramesh was nominated for his seat and elected July 1 to the board.

The ABET board essentially functions as the executive arm of the organization, responsible for setting accreditation policy. Ramesh notes that one of the key things its members are currently grappling with is the changing educational landscape, which not only includes growing numbers of international programs but online degree programs as well.

“These are issues that are floating around, and they represent both an opportunity and a challenge for us,” he says.

Ramesh will have two years to provide his insights on these and many other matters that come up. If the IEEE then reelects him to represent the society on the board, he will be eligible to serve up to two more consecutive terms of three years each, for a total of eight years.

Although he regrets that his position as a board member now precludes his serving as a program evaluator for ABET, he says, “It’s a different calling at this time, and I’m really looking forward to it because there’s so much to learn from ABET. Plus it’s a chance to shape policy, working with other members of the board, other societies, other disciplines. It’s going to be a lot of work, but it’s a great opportunity.”

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