Faculty: Joint research project spans countries, cultures


Ghandi-Jimmy-12-2.jpgCollaboration is ingrained in the culture of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, and that tradition has recently gained added momentum through S. Jimmy Gandhi’s work. Gandhi, an assistant professor of engineering management who specializes in quality management, already collaborates with several local companies in the San Fernando Valley and with industry professionals to continuously improve the course material he teaches. But most recently, he has teamed up with Manipal University in India, working with colleagues in its engineering program, Manipal Institute of Technology, to conduct joint research.

“It’s the largest private university in India, with about 28,000 students, and it’s situated in the southern part of India in a town called Manipal, which is a few hours from Bangalore,” he explains. “It originally started as a medical college, but it has a fantastic engineering program.”

The two universities signed a memorandum of understanding in fall 2012, and Gandhi has met with his Indian colleagues twice since then. They are currently doing research in supply chain management, engineering education, innovation and risk management—a collaboration that includes working on joint publications. They are also considering writing joint proposals in the area of sustainability. Future collaborations with Manipal University include developing a curriculum for educating engineers in entrepreneurship.

As far as he’s concerned, this collaboration is just the beginning, however. Because of the global nature of manufacturing and services, he is eager to expand the partnership to other universities, perhaps in China and Europe, and to involve other CSUN colleagues as well.

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