Sometimes it isn’t necessity that’s the mother of invention, but a good old-fashioned competition. At least that was the case with the ten CECS students who entered the Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ 24th WESTEC Student Manufacturing Challenge in March.
Inspired by student Derrick Olsen’s description of the seeds and pulp left over from winemaking at his family’s vineyard and the difficulty of extracting prized grape seed oil without using chemicals, [Read more…]
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Amine Ghanem, assistant professor of construction management, isn’t likely to forget 2010 anytime soon. First, one of the students he coached for the Associated Schools of Construction’s annual student competition was on a winning team. Then Ghanem found himself in the winner’s circle, when he received a national teaching award from the same organization.[Read more…]
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When the 9/11 Commission released its final report in August 2004, one of the failures it cited was the inability of first responders to communicate across agencies. Police were on one system, firefighters on another, and firefighters inside the World Trade Center never got the message that the buildings were about to collapse.
If a cutting-edge technology called software-defined radio (SDR) had been available then, those problems could have quickly and easily been circumvented.[Read more…]
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The March 2010 copy of Prism, the journal of the American Society of Engineering Education, named CECS the fastest-growing engineering school in the country between 2005 and 2008. During that period, the college increased the number of bachelor’s degrees it granted in engineering by 96%. (Computer science majors were excluded from the tally.)
As part of its mission to advance the art and science of engineering for the general welfare of humankind, the Engineers’ Council recognizes engineers and scientists from industry and academia for their contributions. On February 20, at its annual awards banquet, the organization honored six CECS faculty members.[Read more…]
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