Welcome to the 2016-17 edition of Spectra!
Welcome to the 2016-17 issue of Spectra, our college’s flagship magazine! It has been a very successful 12 months since our last issue, in February 2016, and I invite you to check out the wonderful work of our students, faculty and staff in this latest edition. [Read more…]
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U.S. manufacturing has long been at a crossroads, but the way forward will likely be built on a foundation of technology and big data. It’s an approach called smart manufacturing, and according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), it consists of “fully integrated, collaborative manufacturing systems that respond in real time to meet changing demands and conditions in the factory, in the supply network, and in customer needs.” Many predict that it will be the next Industrial Revolution. [Read more…]
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Success, as the old saying goes, breeds success. And nowhere is that more evident than in the U.S. Department of Education HSI-STEM grant that the college was awarded last October. The grant builds on the achievements of the AIMS2 (Attract, Inspire, Mentor and Support Students) project, which was launched five years ago, also with HSI-STEM funding. That project, a partnership with Glendale Community College and College of the Canyons, was designed to increase the number of low-income, Hispanic and other underrepresented students graduating from CSUN with engineering and computer science majors.[Read more…]
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Thirty-three community college students spent the summer working on research projects with CECS faculty, as part of the college’s AIMS2 program. But their work wasn’t quite over when the ten weeks of research ended. The culmination of their efforts took place on September 14, when they presented their project findings at the second AIMS2 Research Symposium.
The purpose of the symposium was twofold: 1) to encourage participating students to remain in engineering and computer science by providing them with hands-on research opportunities and 2) to inspire and motivate them by experiencing the entire research process, from picking and working on a topic to analyzing data, organizing their conclusions and presenting their work to an audience. Students presented posters about their research and also made oral presentations, following standard guidelines for conference presentations. [Read more…]
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