Guidelines for Preparation of Assessment Materials for ABET Accreditation Visit


1.      A box will be provided for each “Program Area”.  Within that box there will be a separate section for each “Student Learning Outcome” associated with that Program Area.


2.      For each Student Learning Outcome the following materials should be present.

a.       An Assessment Summary Sheet (See Assessment Summary Template and Example Assessment Summary)

b.      One or more Assessment Plans (See Assessment Plan Template and Example Assessment Plan)

c.       A set of Assessment Reports, one for each time the assessment of this outcome was done (See Assessment Report Template and Example Assessment Report)

d.      Optionally, you may want to include actual student work that was assessed, or samples of it, if applicable.


3.      The Program Area Coordinator will be responsible for gathering the material and placing it in the box, but involving other faculty members teaching courses in the Program Area is encouraged.


4.      In cases where no assessment has yet been done for a given outcome, it is important to include something in the appropriate section of the box.  ABET really expects that every outcome will be assessed twice between visits, or at least that will become the expectation with the new criteria.  Since we are still under the old criteria we can probably get by with less, but we should have at least some kind of assessment on each outcome. If nothing else is practical in the short amount of time left before the visit, it is suggested that some informal assessment be done.  This informal assessment process is explained in the document, “Guidelines for Program Area Assessments”.


5.      The boxes should be completed by 9/28/2007.