~Frame Design & Structural Analysis

HPV Engineers Gathering Around Nomex being unpacked

Carbon Fiber Fabric Preparation Vacuum Baggin Composite Materials for final cure

Prep work prior to starting the bellypan layup.

Vacuum Bag Setup Nomex stenciling and cut out

Stenciling and cutting out of the basic shape and dimensions of the bellypan before beginning the layup process.

Belly pan sketch Belly pan final sketch

Belly pan lay up almost complete Belly pan squeegi 2

Belly pan pre vacuum bagging Carbon Fiber Layup Preparation

Bellypan layup of layer after layer of plain weave and unidirectional carbon fiber.

Carbon Fiber Squeegie Carbon Fiber Layup Complete

Squeegeeing out all of the epoxy, resin, and hardener from each layer of carbon fiber added to the layup schedule for our composite bellypan.

Composite Layup of Bellypan in vacuum bag

Vacuum bagging the test samples and finished belly pan layup as shown above.

Rollbar Assembly Welding Preparation. Precise Measurements with the Digital Calipers

Precise measurements are made above with a set of digital calipers used to aid our engineers in the assembly of our HPV. Those precise measurements were also used in fabricating our aluminum rollbar shown above, and mounted to our jig prior to welding.

Composite Bellypan Curing Carbon Fiber Curing_2

Additional curing of our carbon fiber bellypan after its final layup schedule was completed.

Carbon Fiber Finish Grinding

Finish work on our carbon fiber bellypan in preparation for sealing of the sides of the bellypan.

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