CSUN Comp 110 Supplementary Material

Getting Started

Download the Java Development Kit:
Video that shows how to download the JDK to your machine. Alternatively, you may follow the instructions in the following link
How to Download Eclipse:
Note: When you run eclipse for the first time. close the welcome screen to access the workspace.
Eclipse Overview:
Video that explains Eclipse's interface and tools.
Hello World Tutorial:
Video that explains how to create and run your first Java program on eclipse.

Console I/O

Getting String User Input:
Simple tutorial that teaches you how to get string input from the user and display it on the screen.
Getting Int And Double User Input:
In contrast with the first video, this video shows how to get numerical input from the user rather than a string.


If and Else Statements Tutorial:
A simple tutorial video that teaches you how the if and else statements work.
Else if Statement Tutorial:
This tutorial shows how to use the Else-if statement which is used when there are more than just two cases.
Switch Statement Tutorial:
This video teaches you the syntax switch statements and how they work.


While Loops:
A video that shows how to implement a while loop that executes a statement multiple times.
Do While Loops:
Tutorial that shows another version of a while loop which is different than while loop because the statement inside the backet is guaranteed to be executed at least once.
For Loops:
A video that shows you an example of how to use for loops.

Random Generation

Using NextInt:
A video that shows you how to generate a random number between one and six using the Random library and NextInt() function.
Using Math.random:
A different way to generate random numbers in java by using the Math.Random() function.


Introduction to Arrays:
A video tutorial that teaches you how to create an array, assign values to it, and print them out.
Arrays with for loops:
A video that teaches you a more advanced and efficient way to use arrays by using for loops. It assigns randomly generated numbers to the array.


Void Methods:
A video that teaches you how to create a method that prints a message and call it from main.
Methods with parameters:
A video that shows a methods that takes two parameters, a name and income, and displays the information as a part of the message.
Return Methods:
A video that shows how to create methods that return a value. In the video the method divides two numbers and returns the answer.

String Processing

Some String Methods:
A video that teaches you how to use some string processing methods like: (charAt, compareTo, concat, contains)
More String Methods:
A video that teaches you how to use some string processing methods like: (equals, startsWith, endsWith)
More String Methods:
A video that teaches you how to use some string processing methods like: (toCharArray, isEmpty, length, toUpperCase, trim)
More String Methods:
A video that teaches you how to use some string processing methods like: (indexOf, replace, split, substring)

Object Oriented Programming

A tutorial video that teaches you how to create a song object that has a name, artist, and duration.
Get and Set Methods:
A tutorial that explains how to protect the object's data by only accessing it with get and set methods.

File I/O

Write to File:
A video tutorial that shows you how to write data from your program to a file.
Read from File:
A video tutorial that shows you how to read data from a File to a your program.

Helpful Stuff

Primitive Data Types:
A video that lists and explains the data types that Java supports.
Debugging your program
A tutorial video that shows how to catch errors in your program by inserting breakpoints and tracing your code.