Computer Science 684 – Spring 2012

Individual Presentation


You must find and read an article/paper on an interesting topic in the field of software architecture and prepare a presentation for the class based on that paper.  You should attempt to find a paper from a technical journal or professional periodical where the papers have been reviewed before being published.  Try to find papers that are available on-line to facilitate access by other students in the class, and that are fairly short so students are not over burdened since they may be required to read several papers in one week.  If the paper you choose is long, you might want to cover only part(s) of the paper and specify which portions other students should read in preparation.  Another alternative is to work with another individual in the class and give a joint presentation with each of you covering half of the material.  If the paper is not available on-line it will be your responsibility to make copies for all members of the class and the instructor.  Additionally, the paper you select must be approved by the instructor of the course. 

Presentations can be given at any time during the semester, but you must distribute or provide a way to access the paper you are presenting at least one week in advance.  We will have at most two presentations during one class meeting.  Presentation dates will be assigned on a “first come, first served” basis.  However, you must have your paper selected and approved before you may request a presentation date.

Rules for the presentations:

1.     The presentation duration should be approximately 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and answers.  (Times are doubled for joint presentations.)

2.     Your presentation should include appropriate visuals, e.g., PowerPoint slides.

3.     Your presentation should summarize the paper you chose and describe its relevance to this course.

4.     Be sure to emphasize what you believe are the most important ideas expressed in the paper and describe any disagreements you might have with the author.

For each presentation for which you are not a presenter, see the Preparation/Review assignment.