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Nullam et neque magna, a sollicitudin arcu.
Aliquam nibh odio, auctor et imperdiet vitae, suscipit sit amet lorem. Ut est arcu, laoreet eu pretium vel, iaculis non risus.

Maecenas posuere arcu sit amet est convallis.
Sceleris- que leo rutrum. Vivamus facilisis, orci a tincidunt venenatis, ante libero semper turpis, eu tincidunt ante massa ac urna.

Vivamus id lobortis nisi. Duis semper porta justo, vel sodales velit vehicula vel.
Donec non vulputate odio. Quisque tellus augue, tristique vel lobortis ut, convallis vel est. Nam vel congue lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper odio et leo congue eu semper Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nam justo odio, congue id fermentum sit amet, placerat sed nibh. Vestibulum pharetra nibh eu magna accumsan tristique. Sed ac velit urna, venenatis vulputate purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nam justo odio, congue id fermentum sit amet, placerat sed nibh. Vestibulum pharetra nibh eu magna accumsan tristique. Sed ac velit urna, venenatis vulputate purus.

Vivamus id lobortis nisi. Duis semper porta justo, vel sodales velit vehicula vel.
Donec non vulputate odio. Quisque tellus augue, tristique vel lobortis ut, convallis vel est. Nam vel congue lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper odio et leo congue eu semper

Accelrys Software

Materials Studio 5.5 increases the accuracy of predicted material properties, reducing the time consuming and costly experiments it takes to engineer the next generation of materials for green energy, electronics, and more.

Examples of H2

Hydrogen production. We hear a lot about the “hydrogen economy,” but where is all this hydrogen going to come from? Catlow’s review discusses the generation of hydrogen from water. Research challenges include developing photocatalysts capable of splitting water using sunlight.

Membranes Applications

  • Hydrogen Purification
  • Alternative Energy Source
  • Minimize contamination


A research university is an exciting place for undergraduates. Students are partners in an active learning environment with faculty and other students while involved in real life problem solving. Faculty serve as mentors for students helping them identify critical research issues and structure methods for experimentation. Participation in research as an undergraduate can have a profound impact on a student’s career choices and future successes.


In addition to the financial support, these students in combining their strengths and working in organized cooperation, will receive a well rounded education. It is an invaluable opportunity and transfer of knowledge that can be gained only through hands on training and experience. We want to insure that more students will have access to an integrated education through the research experience.

About Us

We have a new energetic team this year and they are looking forward to the challenges.


Contact Information

W.M. Keck Laboratory

Cal State University, Northridge

18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91325
Phone: 1(818) 677 7746
Fax: 1(818) 677 6427
E-mail: (Nano email coming)